College and Scholarship Information

Avoid scams

Every year students and their families lose money to scam artists posing as legitimate scholarship funding agencies. To avoid being defrauded, be cautious about suspicious scholarship offers.

Consult the Federal Trade Commissionexternal link for tips, facts and reporting information. Also keep a few guidelines in mind while researching scholarships.

It might be a scam if:

  • You have to spend money to get money. Legitimate scholarship providers don't charge application fees, "redemption" fees or up-front taxes; nor do they ask students to make investments.
  • They want bank account or credit card information. Trustworthy donors won't ask for a credit card number to "hold" your award.
  • It's guaranteed. No one can guarantee that you'll receive a scholarship, and any promise of a money-back guarantee is a red flag.
  • You can't find the information anywhere else. Scholarship agencies don't keep information secret; they want to award scholarships. If a service promises to provide funds no one else knows about, be suspicious. 
  • You win a contest you don't remember entering. If you receive a message saying you've been selected for an award or you're a finalist in a competition you've never heard of, it might be a scam.
  • It sounds too good to be true. Trust your instincts. If you're suspicious about an offer, you probably have a good reason.

A+ ELIGIBLE SCHOOLS --click here.  This is a list of all the colleges and vocational schools that are eligible for A+ scholarships.


Scholarship Information


  1. I will send every application I get to your school email account, so check it regularly.
  2. I will often mention to Mrs. Allen if I have added things and she will remind you to look at your email as well.
  3. I will post senior reminders on a dry erase board in the lobby area.
  4. I will sometimes put stuff on the announcements, but I have found that it is not a good way to communicate with seniors.



4410 Massachusetts Ave NW #250

Washington, DC, 20016

This website provides a monthly list of national and international scholarships 

National Educators Association—local chapter’s scholarship

Application usually goes out in April and usually has a May deadline

Missouri School Teachers Association—local chapter’s scholarship

Application usually goes out in April and usually has a May deadline

Lucas A. Orf Memorial Scholarship—local scholarship

Application usually goes out in March and usually has a May deadline

Howell Oregon Electric Scholarship—local scholarship

Application usually goes out in January, however, it is rotated between the various high schools in Howell Oregon Electric’s service area. The deadline for this application is usually the early April.

Fulton County Hospital Foundation Scholarship—regional scholarship

Application usually goes out in March and is due in late April.  Applicants must be planning to enter the medical field

 Thayer School Foundation—local scholarships

  • Emily Beck Memorial Scholarship

                -Graduating from THS

                -A minimum GPA of 7.0 on an 11.0 scale

                -Enroll as a full-time student in an accredited post-secondary educational institution

                -Preference shall be given to an applicant who enters and maintains a course of  study in the following areas:  Child Care, Elementary Education, Art

                -Priority consideration will be given to applicants who have a greater economic need for financial assistance

  • Barbara D, Williams Memorial Scholarship

                -Graduating from THS

                -A minimum GPA of 7.0 on and 11.0 scale

                -Enroll as a full-time student in an accredited post-secondary education  institution

                -Two applicants will be chosen

  • Eli Pounders Memorial Scholarship

                -Applicant must attend college in the fall full-time

                -Student must have a 7.0 GPA on an 11.0 scale (2.5 on a 4.0 scale)

                -Applicant must be of good character

                -Preference will be given to students interested in art

  • Julie Whitaker Memorial Scholarship

            -Graduating of THS

            -Applicant will be attending a private Christian College or University

            -Preference will be given to applicant going into elementary                education

These applications usually go out in February and are due the middle of April.

Alton-Thayer Elks Lodge 2545 Scholarship—local scholarship

This application usually goes out in February and the deadline  is round the middle of April.

Thayer Alumni Association Scholarship—local scholarship

This application usually goes out in February and is due in April.

Thayer Cresitie Scholarship—local scholarship

This is a senior girl only scholarship.  It usually goes out in March and is due is April.

Ozarks Healthcare Scholarship—regional scholarship

This application usually goes out in March and is due sometime in April.

International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers West     Plains Lodge No. 2782—regional scholarship

This scholarship usually goes out in March and is due in April

Ozarka College Opportunity Scholarship—institutional scholarship

This scholarship is based on a nomination from the principal or counselor.  The nomination would take place in March.  Nominee must have already applied and been accepted at Ozarka College for the fall semester.

Ozarka College Foundation Scholarships—institutional scholarship

To apply for these scholarship applicant must be attending Ozarka College in the fall.  The application goes out in March and is due by the April 1st, usually.

FFA Alumni Scholarship—local scholarship

This application goes out in February and is due in April.

Missouri Bankers Foundation Scholarship—regional scholarship

The application usually goes out in February and is due is March

Missouri Women’s Golf Education Association Scholarship—MO scholarship

This application goes out in March and is due in March.

Anthem Leigh Eder Memorial Scholarship—local scholarship

This application goes out in February and is due is April

Rural Missouri High School Senior Scholarship Fund—MO scholarship

Application usually goes out in November and is due is March.  This application is for those who are going in education.

Curt, Cliff and Opal Young Memorial College Scholarship—local scholarship

This scholarship usually goes out in February and is due in March

Curt, Cliff and Opal Young Memorial Vocation/Technical School  Scholarship—local scholarship

This scholarship usually goes out in February and is due in March

Southeast MO Central Council Scholarship—regional scholarship

The application usually goes out in February and is due in March.

Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, Xi Chapter—regional scholarship

This application is for girls entering the field of education.  The application usually goes out in February and is due in March.

Missouri Scholarship & Loan Foundation’s Access Extra Scholarship—MO scholarship

Applications usually open in February and is prioritized first-come, first served until funding is depleted.

Community Foundation of The Ozarks—regional scholarships

This foundation offers several scholarships.  Each scholarship might have a different format, some will be paper, other digital.  It can be confusing, because you may be eligible for some scholarship and not others based solely on where you live, what you are planning on doing,  where to are planning to attend college.  Applications open in February and most are due by March.  I would advise applicant to read the criteria carefully before applying to a scholarship. 

Bank of Salem Scholarship—regional scholarship

This application goes out in January and is due in Apri.

USDA 1890 National Scholars Program—National Scholarship

Applicants must be attending one of the nineteen 1890 Land Grant Universities  in the field of agriculture, food, natural resource sciences or other related field.  Deadline for this scholarship is January

USDA 1994 Tribal Scholars Program—National Scholarship

Applicants must attend one of the thirty-five 1994 Land Grant Institutions in the field of agriculture, food, natural resource sciences or other related field.  Deadline for this scholarship is January.

Horatio Alger Scholarships—National Scholarship

Application usually goes out in January and is due as late as March.  The foundation also offers technical school scholarships with the deadline in June.

Midwest Affordable Housing Educational Opportunities Scholarship—regional scholarship

This scholarship goes out in December and is due in March

Missouri School Board’s Future Builder’s John T Belcher Memorial  Scholarship—MO scholarship

Applications are open from October through late December so that the school board and make a selection and send to the state board by January.

Hagan Scholarship Foundation—National Scholarship

This is a needs based merit scholarship.  Applications go out is September and are due in December.

Don Howard Scholarship Fund—MO scholarship

Applications are due in March.  This scholarship program awards twice a year, in May and November. 


Recommendations for completing scholarship applications:


  1. Type the application, if this mean that you have to recreate the application so you can type on it I would recommend it.Many if not most of the applications are now digital so you that typing is possible.


  2. If you have to sign anything use blue or black ink, do not use “wild” colors.  You want to appear as professional as possible.


  3. Do not wait till the last minute to fill out an application.


  4. If you need recommendation letters, you should contact the person you are requesting to write a letter, a month in advance and at a minimum of two weeks in advance.


  5. Before you sit down and start completing an application, take time to make a list of your awards and accomplishments.  List your clubs, organizations and activities, include the years and well as any positions of leadership.  This will save time.


  6. Also, log your community service hours.  If you volunteer at the food pantry, nursing home, community events etc.  Have the supervisor sign off on a log for documentation.  This could also be helpful in certain scholarships especially at the national level.


  7. Concerning essays, make sure that you address the writing prompt.  Also, check grammar and spelling.  Do not trust “spellcheck.”  Have others read you work.  You want to be as clear and concise as possible.  Many of your teacher will not mind proofing, but you cannot wait until the last minute.  They are busy people with lives outside of school.


  8. Requesting a copy of a transcript for an application.  You will need to see Missy Webber, Jana Haven, or myself for a copy.  We usually give you an unofficial transcript, and this work for almost all the scholarship applications.  However, if your application requests an official copy, we will have to place it in a sealed envelope.  or send it ourselves to the scholarship committee. Technically, we are not to hand out official transcripts.


Concerning Applying for Colleges and Technical Schools


  1. If you need a scholarship sent to a college we will do that.  You will need to come in the office and fill out a form.


  2. Most Colleges and Technical Schools have online applications.  You will need to look at the admissions department’s page for the application.


  3. Some colleges require test scores such as an ACT, others do not.  We are an ACT test sight and the test is given about six time throughout the school year.  Other schools may only require a placement score, such as an Accu-placer score.  Both MSU-WP and Ozarka offer this test.


  4. Institutional Scholarships are scholarship awarded by the college or university.  Information concerning these types of scholarships can be found on the school website.


  5. You will need to complete a FASFA (Free Application for Student Federal Aid) This involves both the student and guardians.  Both with have to establish an accounts.


  6. We will try to attend at least one college fair.  And, we usually offer a couple of tours to some of the local colleges throughout the year.

If you have questions concerning scholarship or the college application process you can email me at [email protected].


  ACT National Test Dates    

Thayer School Code:  263-385

Thayer Test Center Code:  179150 * indicates test will not be given at the Thayer test site.       

Test Date

Regular Deadline

Late Registration

Photo Upload

September 10, 2022
October 22, 2022
December 10, 2022
February 11, 2023
April 15, 2023
June 10, 2023*
July 15, 2023*

August 5
September 16
November 4
January 6
March 10
May 5
June 16

August 19
September 30
November 11
January 20
March 24
May 19
June 23

October 14
December 2
February 3
April 7
June 2
July 7

* not given at THS      

 Learning Express Library

This site has ACT practice tests as well as many other tests and practice items.Check it out!
To access the website from other computers after you have logged in at school, click  here.
The Learning Express Library is now available through the Thayer Website. 
To access the Learning Express Library go to:

  • High School
  • MediaCenter
  • Learning Express Library


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